

For the very best catered event here are thirteen points of excellent advice from an expert caterer…

(1) Not Sampling The Food Before The Event

taste caterer food firstYou would be surprised how many people call up a caterer and book an event without tasting the food. This is critical.

What happens if the food is not what you expect? You leave yourself open to looking bad in front of all your guests and their family. Believe it or not more people will remember the “cold, tasteless food”, rather than the true meaning of this special event, a day of camaraderie and friendship.
(2) Failing To Have A Budget And “Goal” In Mind

You know the importance of setting goals. Goals are a focal point to rally your family around. The vision of attaining these goals is what keeps everyone motivated and on course. A catered event is no different.

You should have a vision of the end result. Do you picture a Continue Reading…


Catering with Style & Taste
Pay your guests the ultimate compliment ... call Big Apple Catering today.
Vivian cell: 250-618-2954, 250-591-9803